1 Dec 2023


2023-12-12T14:01:10-05:00December 1st, 2023|Categories: Am I Pregnant, Pregnancy Decisions, Pregnancy Support, Pregnant Daughter, Pregnant Girlfriend|

Gateway Women’s Care is eager to begin offering STI testing as a part of our services at each of our three centers beginning in the new year.  Stay tuned for upcoming dates and times of service in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill! Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are very common [...]

1 Nov 2023

Pregnant & Just a Teenager

2023-12-12T13:54:06-05:00November 1st, 2023|Categories: Am I Pregnant, Pregnancy Decisions, Pregnancy Support, Pregnant Daughter, Pregnant Girlfriend|

Finding out you are pregnant can be super-stressful, regardless of whether it was planned or unplanned…and probably even more so if you are an adolescent! Balancing the stress and worries of added responsibility, along with the potential excitement of bringing a new life into the world, is a lot [...]

15 Sep 2023

How do I know how many weeks pregnant I am?

2023-10-10T14:27:24-04:00September 15th, 2023|Categories: Am I Pregnant, Pregnancy Decisions, Pregnancy Support, Pregnant Daughter, Pregnant Girlfriend, Relationships/Sex|

If you’ve seen those two little pink lines in your bathroom after taking a pregnancy test and felt that pit in your stomach, you probably jumped to the next question- “how far along am I?”. This question can be answered in different ways, some more trusted than others. For [...]

15 Feb 2023

Considering Abortions Pills by Mail?

2023-02-02T14:40:14-05:00February 15th, 2023|Categories: Abortion Information, Pregnancy Decisions, Pregnancy Support, Pregnant Daughter, Pregnant Girlfriend|

Considering ordering abortions pills by mail? Everyone is talking about ordering abortion pills by mail. Since the overturn of Roe v Wade, the conditions in the US are ripe for the growing number of black market websites selling pills that terminate pregnancy- Mifepristone and Misoprostol – the two abortion [...]

1 Feb 2023

What Does Early Pregnancy Feel Like?

2023-02-02T14:38:35-05:00February 1st, 2023|Categories: Abortion Information, Pregnancy Decisions, Pregnancy Support, Pregnant Daughter, Pregnant Girlfriend|

What does early pregnancy feel like? If you’re a teen, pregnancy might not be on your radar as a reason to explain the weird things happening to your body. Maybe you’ve noticed some weird symptoms. You might be wondering, why am I so tired lately, or where are these [...]

15 Jan 2023

Looking for Pre-Abortion Services?

2023-01-10T10:46:36-05:00January 15th, 2023|Categories: Abortion Information, Pregnancy Decisions, Pregnancy Support, Pregnant Daughter, Pregnant Girlfriend|

Planning an abortion? North Carolina law requires that a woman receive certain abortion information at least 72 hours prior to an abortion (effective 10/1/2015).  This information is part of the N.C. Woman’s Right to Know Act of 2011 that mandates the giving of informed consent prior to an abortion. [...]

15 Oct 2022

Pregnancy Calculator: How can I tell how far along I am?

2022-10-13T07:07:26-04:00October 15th, 2022|Categories: Am I Pregnant, Negative Pregnancy Test, Pregnancy Decisions, Pregnancy Support, Pregnant Daughter, Pregnant Girlfriend|

Now that it has settled in that you are pregnant, you begin to wonder, “how far along am I?”. This question can be answered in different ways, some more accurate than others. For starters, you can ask google for a pregnancy calculator. By entering the first day of your [...]

15 May 2022

Pregnant: Not my Daughter!

2022-05-09T15:16:17-04:00May 15th, 2022|Categories: Pregnancy Decisions, Pregnancy Support, Pregnant Daughter|

Mom or Dad, this one’s for you. Chances are, you aren’t expecting to hear the words, “I’m pregnant” from your young daughter (or “she’s pregnant” from your son!), and it may hit like a ton of bricks! She (or he) is probably just as stunned as you. Breaking the news [...]

1 Apr 2022

Tips for Teen Pregnancy

2022-04-05T13:56:33-04:00April 1st, 2022|Categories: Pregnancy Support, Pregnant Daughter, Pregnant Girlfriend, Relationships/Sex|

The single word, “pregnant”, conveys a life-altering event - and the feeling you get if you have ever seen those two blue lines or read the word on a pregnancy test!! Finding out you are pregnant can be anxiety-producing, regardless of whether it was planned or unplanned. This may be [...]

1 Oct 2021

Wondering if you’re Pregnant?

2021-10-13T15:12:44-04:00October 1st, 2021|Categories: Am I Pregnant, Pregnancy Decisions, Pregnancy Support, Pregnant Daughter, Pregnant Girlfriend|

If you’ve never been pregnant before, you might not be aware of the early symptoms of pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms differ for every woman. The best way to confirm is to take a home pregnancy test or a blood test, but until you can do that here are some common early [...]

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