If you’ve seen those two little pink lines in your bathroom after taking a pregnancy test and felt that pit in your stomach, you probably jumped to the next question- “how far along am I?”. This question can be answered in different ways, some more trusted than others.

For starters, you can ask google for a pregnancy calculator. By entering the first day of your last period, the calculator will indicate your baby’s due date. This is an estimated date of course, but it is a starting place.

The most accurate way to determine gestational age is an ultrasound. This is important for a few reasons.  If you are considering an abortion, knowing the exact gestational age – how far along you are – will determine what type of abortion procedure you are eligible for at your stage of pregnancy as well as your options with pills that terminate pregnancy – and, of course, now in NC if you can receive an abortion procedure locally or not.  An ultrasound will also confirm if your pregnancy is viable with a measurable heartbeat – important to know to avoid an unnecessary, costly procedure if considering abortion.

Gateway Women’s Care is able to quickly help you get the information you need to make an informed decision about your pregnancy. Following a positive pregnancy test, a nurse may approve a limited ultrasound for you. This free procedure will determine whether the pregnancy is viable (detect fetal heartbeat) and is in the uterus, as well as how far along you are and your expected due date.

Call Raleigh 919.833.0096, Durham 919.251.9444 and Chapel Hill 919.537.8220 to schedule a free, confidential appointment today.