Give a gift and save a baby’s life!

Thank you for partnering with us as we focus on LIFE. The impact of coronavirus and these uncertain days have seen many more women seek abortions. Your support and prayers are needed – now, more than ever!

What Our Giving Partners Are Saying

“Together we can help Gateway give women and their partners better choices and save precious little lives.”

- Bob & Cindy

“Their (Gateway’s) hearts’ desire is to help those who cannot help themselves; the unborn. What they do is not just a job, it is actually the extension of their heart, which is actually the extension of God’s heart for those who are so helpless and who need our help.”

- George Tissiere,, Former Missions Pastor, Providence Baptist Church

“There is never a time in my life when I don’t want to be a part of what Gateway is doing! Giving to Gateway is giving to a life-giving ministry.”

- Katie

“In the sexual chaos of our particular cultural moment our littlest ones are defenseless and without a voice when their futures are most at risk.”

- Allan Poole, Sr. Pastor, Blacknall Presbyterian Church