22 Feb 2022

Tabitha’s Story

2022-02-22T16:49:40-05:00February 22nd, 2022|Categories: Client Stories|

"Tabitha" was the first Chapel Hill client.  She was undecided, but said her gut was telling her to abort.  She was completely overwhelmed and exhausted with her daily struggles. She cried bitterly during the visit - she was devastated with this pregnancy.  Her client advocate began sharing the gospel.  Although Tabitha listened, she seemed [...]

12 Jun 2020

Evan & Reba’s Story

2020-10-28T15:32:46-04:00June 12th, 2020|Categories: Client Stories|

“Evan” and “Reba” have two little girls and were excited to be pregnant with their third child, that is, until several ultrasounds delivered the worst news an expectant parent could possibly receive – their 17 week, unborn baby was showing severe defects and abnormalities and doctors did not expect the [...]

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