Although you had unprotected sex, you were prepared and took Plan B, the morning after pill, to ensure you wouldn’t worry later thinking, “can I be pregnant?”. You had hoped your emergency contraception would work but it hasn’t and now you are pregnant.  We can help you through this.

Plan B is claimed to be 25% to 95% effective depending on how soon you take it after having sex, according to its manufacturer. (1)

  • 95% effective within 24 hours
  • 85% effective 25-48 hours
  • 58% effective 48-72 hours
  • 25% effective after 72 hours

But that leaves the small chance it doesn’t. Perhaps giving you a situation you were hoping to avoid.

If you are having any pregnancy symptoms or a positive pregnancy test after taking Plan B, Gateway Women’s Care can help you think through your next steps. Our caring and supportive team will perform a lab-quality pregnancy test and help you understand all your pregnancy options.

If your pregnancy test is positive, you may qualify for a free ultrasound to verify viability, calculate pregnancy, and see if proper implantation has occurred.

If abortion is a pregnancy option for you, we will provide free pre-abortion services including ultrasound and the education required in our state prior to any abortion procedure.

Call Gateway Women’s Care today at 919.833.0096 for our Raleigh location or (919) 251-9444 for our Durham location. 
