Our world has been a little turned upside-down due to the coronavirus. Most likely you’ve felt the effects of this in some way, whether your job has changed, school has been moved online or cancelled, trips postponed, or simply needing a mask to go grocery shopping. These days are new and different to be sure. Adding an unplanned pregnancy to so much uncertainty, we know is stressful.
Take a breath. This will not last forever.
Serving in the midst of a crisis is what we do at Gateway Women’s Care. We’ve done this for years. Yes, these days are unique but uncertainty is nothing new. Because our mission is to empower women facing unplanned pregnancy, we are doing everything we can to make it possible to remain open for appointments. So we are gloved, masked, suited up to serve but there is another option if you are still unsure about getting out of the house and want to avoid exposure. Maybe you’ve heard of telemedicine, but what is it really? Let’s break it down.
What to expect?
Essentially, take your center visit and make it virtual- from your phone or computer. We will go through the normal intake process and paperwork with you from the comfort of your home. You’ll have the chance to speak with our trained volunteers/ staff and a nurse to discuss any questions you may have. We can calculate pregnancy, provide education on pills that terminate pregnancy, discuss abortion options, and more.
There are things that cannot be done over the web like pregnancy tests or ultrasound, but consultation, options counsel, and resource referral can all be discussed first with one of our staff via phone, Facetime or a Zoom call. An in-center appointment may then be made for an ultrasound following a quick pre-screening process for your safety and for our team.
So before you rush off to the abortion clinic, consider a call to discuss your situation and get more information on the pregnancy options you are facing, possible ultrasound and take the time to process your decision.
You are not alone in this. We would love to speak with you and walk alongside you in this uncertain time. Call us today.