Answer this before an abortion:

Worried because you missed your period? Before you make an appointment at the abortion clinic – let’s talk about some things you need to know. Try to answer these three things:

  1. Are you actually pregnant?

There are numerous reasons why women miss a period and pregnancy is not always the cause. You will want to find out for sure so you’re not just guessing. Gateway Women’s Care can offer a free lab-quality pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy with free and confidential pregnancy options counsel as well and keep you from paying for an abortion procedure unnecessarily.

    2. How far along are you?

Knowing for certain how far along you are in your pregnancy is necessary to determine what abortion services you are eligible for. A pregnancy calculator can estimate the baby’s due date but is not always accurate. Ultrasound will give the most accurate gestational age and Gateway Women’s Care can provide you with a free ultrasound.

    3. Is your pregnancy viable?

Approximately 20% of verified pregnancies will end in miscarriage during the first trimester. Before choosing to terminate your pregnancy, knowing whether your pregnancy is even likely to be carried to term (viable) is vital. Your body has its own natural mechanism for taking care of a nonviable pregnancy, avoiding an unnecessary and costly procedure.

Gateway Women’s Care is ready to serve you by appointment and walk-ins. Calling ahead and scheduling allows us to better serve you and your time.

We offer free, limited ultrasound to qualified clients to determine viability, gestational age, and if there is a heartbeat. Answering these questions will affect your abortion decision.

We can help you as you answer all these questions.

Call Raleigh 919.833.0096, Durham 919.251.9444 and Chapel Hill 919.537.8220 to schedule a free, confidential appointment today.