Sometimes we need help to move forward after having a traumatic experience. Perhaps this is you – you just want to forget about your abortion choices but you can’t. Often talking with someone who has had the same experience and who truly cares for your well being can be helpful.
Every woman is different.
Some women experience immediate distress following their abortion. For other women, the feelings may not arise until after several years. Whatever your situation may be, Gateway Women’s Care can offer help through PAC: Post Abortion Care.
PAC at Gateway Women’s Care is…
- Confidential
- Non-condemning
- Aimed at restoration
- For groups or individuals
- Free
Answering the following questions may assist you in determining if you have symptoms of post abortion stress:
- Are you trying to make yourself “forget” about it?
- Are you different as a person since the abortion clinic? In what ways?
- Have you substantially increased drug or alcohol use?
- Are your relationships with the opposite sex or your family different now? If so, how?
- Do you struggle emotionally near the anniversary date of the abortion?
- Do you feel alone in your struggle with the emotional pain you are experiencing?
- Are you interested in seeking help to work through your pain?
You Are Not Alone.
At Gateway Women’s Care we really do care about YOU. If you have experienced intense emotions following your abortion (even many years later), you are not alone. Our staff is here to provide you with confidential support during this time.
Ability to Move Forward.
Call, text or email today to find out how you can take control and move forward.
- Call: 919.833.0096
- Text: 919.502.0096
- Email: info@gatewaywomens.care
- Fax: 919-833-0098
- Need help after hours? Call: 1-877-791-5475
Call Gateway Women’s Care Raleigh 919.833.0096 and Durham 919.251.9444, to discuss your particular situation. We have trained counselors and nurses on hand to answer your confidential questions. While we providce pre-abortion and post-abortion services, we are not a women’s abortion clinic.