As with most medications there are documented side effects to be aware of.  If you have symptoms that persist for more than 48 hours or are severe, see your healthcare professional. (11)

  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Headache 
  • Dizziness
  • Breast tenderness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Irregular menstrual bleeding

Other side effects include:

  • Migraine or severe headache
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Painful menstruation
  • Vaginal discharge

If you experience any of the following side effects, consult with a doctor immediately:

  • Itching and a rash
  • Sudden or unusual cramps or pain in the stomach or belly
  • Uterine hemorrhage
  • Vaginal hemorrhage
  • Any effects that persist or worsen

Visit your doctor within 3 weeks after taking emergency contraceptives. A doctor should confirm that you are not pregnant, and that this medicine has not caused any harmful effects.

Plan B is a single dose medication. You should never give yourself additional doses.


What if I still get pregnant?

You had hoped your emergency contraception would work but it hasn’t and now you’re pregnant.  Gateway Women’s Care can help you through this.

If you are having any symptoms of pregnancy or a positive pregnancy test after taking Plan B, we can help you decide your next steps. Our caring and supportive team will perform a lab-quality pregnancy test and help you understand all your pregnancy options. If your pregnancy test is positive, you may qualify for a free ultrasound to verify viability and see if proper implantation has occurred.

If you’re thinking to get an abortion as a pregnancy option for you, Gateway Women’s Care will provide free pre-abortion services including ultrasound and the education required in our state prior to any procedure.

Call Gateway Women’s Care NOW and talk with one of our trained medical professionals to get the help and advice you’re after.

Check out the info on our website